If you've ever been to the well-known malls in the UAE, there is a chance you may have noticed, how the elevators in the malls are increasingly being used for advertising brands, the malls house and also to create awareness about certain campaigns and issues.
Sellers are taking advantage of the little time the visitors spend in the elevator to divert their attention towards themselves! But elevator signage isn't something new! The motive may have changed but elevator signboards have always been an important fixture, both inside and outside the mall elevators.
But creating the right kind of signboard, that's right on point with the requirements requires expertise is complicated. And all the more reason to opt for the experts of signboards Dubai has to offer! There's no going wrong when experts design signboards. The article highlights important tips for designing the right elevator signboards for malls:

Tips for designing the best elevator signboards
The signs in the elevators are being used for marketing purposes, to create awareness about emergencies or simply to welcome customers. Elevators are being used increasingly for providing purposeful signage. For good reason too! In a closed space where nowhere to look at, more people are bound to look at the signs! Read on to know essential tips for elevator signage:
Keep it minimal
Regardless of how large the room in the elevator is, it’s critical to not overcrowd the elevator with signboard. Although it's important for Emirati mall goers to know about the latest shops opening at their favorite malls and to know about exit protocol in case of a fire, however, the number of signs should be kept minimal.
This not only keeps the elevator less crowded, but the mall goers are able to read and retain the information provided by each signboard more effectively.
Understand the purpose of the signboard
The signboards in the emirati mall elevators are usually safety signboards, pointing towards exits, or listing the number to call in case of an issue. However, the information is critical and the signboards installed should ensure that this information is not only visible to everyone but also easy to read, with its large text size and bilingual nature.
A directory signboard in an elevator has a different purpose. Since people refer to it when they're looking for information, when designing the signboard for the directory, it's important to opt for comprehensive yet concise text to help out the mall-goers.
Opt for prominent colors
Imagine riding an elevator with signboards that have the palest colors; pastels merged with white. How attention grabbing would it be? Signboards should be bright in color, making them easier to spot from far away and also making them stand out among all other signs.
Don’t use tapes to mount them
The last thing you want is the signboard falling on a shopper's head while they're riding the elevator. It might end up hurting the riders too and might even break into pieces which results in multiple costs and maybe a lawsuit! Opt for proper mounting using screws and nails to ensure it doesn't budge!

Signing off!
Use the tips above to create the right signboards for mall elevators. There's e just no alternative to an expert’s job. Not only do they have the experience but also the creativity to design signs right according to your needs. To create the right signage, opt for experts of Signboard Dubai has to offer and get the best, most meaningful signs printed for the mall elevators!
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